EXPO MANUFACTURA 2024Products & Services Automation for unique parts production, for all materials, sizes and tasks in different levels.
Automation for unique parts production, for all materials, sizes and tasks in different levels.
Automation systems for unique parts production, for all materials, sizes and tasks in different levels:
Own machine Integrated automation of workpieces and tools
Two machines same process EDM-EDM or CNC-CNC
Two machines different process EDM-CNC
Integrated systems as much as you need EDM and CNC machines+ CMM + Cleaning, etc.
Integration of different systems EROWA, 3R, CERTA and many more possible.
Transfer capacity of automated parts up to 450Kg/500x700+340mm
Further reading Own machine Integrated automation of workpieces and tools
Two machines same process EDM-EDM or CNC-CNC
Two machines different process EDM-CNC
Integrated systems as much as you need EDM and CNC machines+ CMM + Cleaning, etc.
Integration of different systems EROWA, 3R, CERTA and many more possible.
Transfer capacity of automated parts up to 450Kg/500x700+340mm
Automation of machines by electrode changer and palet´s system